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Centennial Park Photo Party

AKA Weirding Out Strangers

March 23, 2017

Shawn has been sick the past few days, and I've been feeling a little meh myself. I'm not sure if I'm getting sick or just in a funk, but I'm loading up on Vitamin C, just in case. Either way, by Tuesday, I was pretty sure that this week was a bust. Truthfully, the whole month has been a little strange. I've been feeling a smidgen at odds with my camera, and I wasn't sure how to fix it. I never thought that a fun day of shooting was what I needed until after Marlayna asked if I wanted to go to Centennial Park (which you may remember from Alexa and Eddie's engagement session or Lisa and Michael's snowy shoot). Turns out, even as a photographer, you need to have non-serious shoot days! Who would have thought?!

I know that I most recently went out for the snow day, but this week's adventure was different. It was fun and exciting to be shooting portraits, but also posing for them. Now, I'm not the most confident model, but I was feelin' it on Tuesday. I finally got to unleash my years of ANTM knowledge all over Centennial Park. I'm not entirely sure if I would have made it past the pre-prelimary cycle of any modeling competitions, but I made my attempts! Sometimes it's necessary to step out of your comfort zone and just be a goofball.

At the end of the evening, I think both of us were feeling a lot better. It's kind of easy to fall into a rut, so it's awesome to have a photo friend that experiences the same things. We can help each other out exactly when we need it. I'm so incredibly happy that Marlayna asked me to go to the park and have a photo party. We not only snapped (hehe) ourselves out of our bleh place, but we also sufficiently weirded out the park patrons. I'm pretty positive we each got a good laugh at each other while editing. Mission totally accomplished.

Check out our Centennial Park photo adventure!

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centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

Oh my gosh, adorable!

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centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

Here's a FEW from of me from Marlayna! I'll save the rest for Marlayna's blog :P

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Marlayna, you are a magician for making me appear like a non-awkward human!! <3

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centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

Marlayna called the ducks.

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And then they swam away super fast.

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centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

Possibly the best part of the evening are all the bloopers. Prepare yourself.

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centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

Keep an eye out for my CD, dropping in 260 years.

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centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

centennial park portraits maryland photographers

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Comments on Centennial Park Photo Party

Shawn said 7 years ago
I so can't wait for your next album single to drop. You obviously captured the perfect artwork for it. 😛